Tip #1: Applied Mapping from Software Is the Wrong Path

w1-PHS-071615 Go Live and Thrive graphic_SQUAREAre ready with 64 days left to prepare? The deadline is fast approaching to prepare for the transition to ICD-10. Pathway Health has been training providers across the nation, and we wanted to share some issues, comments and questions that have been presented to our consultants and trainers.

“My software company told me there is a conversion process. I only have to use the crosswalk in the computer system and it will give me the new code.”

The major software clinical software vendors do have a conversion button you can click to get “an applied mapping” to a code in ICD-10. A general equivalent mapping is exactly that, a “general equivalent.”

For example, in ICD-9 you need two codes for a pressure ulcer, one for the ulcer site and one for the stage. In ICD-10, a combination code for pressure ulcers includes the stage. To select the correct ICD-10 code for a pressure ulcer, look ulcer up in the alphabetical index; then go to the tabular to get the rest of the digits.

Our clients have the ICD-10 finish line in their sites. Call the Pathway Health trainers at 877-777-5463, to get ready to go live!